Private Security Operations Management System

Our unique expertise in this sector allows us to offer ISO 18788, PSC.1 and ISO 9001:2015 all for the price of an audit and certification to ISO 18788. This means that you receive PSC.1 and ISO 9001:2015 certification for free.

As a Private Security service provider certification to ISO 18788 provides credibility, demonstrating effective management from Board level, to physical delivery;

ISO 18788 and PSC.1 enshrine the protection of human rights within the PSC’s business practices, drawing upon United Nations Guiding Principles of Business & Human Rights, and the Montreux Document on Private Military and Security Companies;

Certification reinforces your credibility and helps you protect your reputation, providing clients, governments and communities with assurance;

Statistics show that certification to this suite of standards helps you identify best practices, more efficient and time saving processes, and thereby has the potential to save you money.  


ISO 18788, PSC.1 & ISO 9001 – Key points

  • Management Systems with a risk based approach at their heart;

  • ISO 18788 and PSC.1 enshrine the protection of human rights within the industry’s business practices and provide confidence in the quality and professionalism of security firms operating in fragile environments;

  • The suite cover key aspects of enterprise risk management, placing a strong emphasis on your identification of stakeholders, including clients, employees, subcontractors, and local communities. They enable a company to identify relevant legal and regulatory guidelines for its operations;

  • They encompasses core security and supporting business functions, and your supply chain;

  • Like any effective management control system, ISO 18788, PSC.1 and ISO 9001 need to be driven by the senior management team, and resourced;

  • ISO 18788 and PSC.1 certifications give clients confidence in front-line service delivery through initial certification and ongoing surveillance audits;

  • The suite are not a ‘tick box’ standards.


Our Prestigious Clients

  • Disha
    Indian Railway
    Directorate of Fishries
    ESIC Hospital
    Railway Protection Force
    Zila Panchayat